CASL is now ISLN

Dan Bostrom's picture

The Chicago Area Solo Librarians (CASL) networking group recently announced a formal name change. The group will now be known as the Illinois Solo Librarians Network (ISLN). This change is being made to reflect new participation and interest from solo librarians throughout the state.

The group was initially founded in 2001 by a group of solo librarians who wanted to share ideas, network, and discuss the challenges of being a solo librarian. For many years, the group had regular in-person meetings at member libraries and other venues. The group hasn't been as active in the past few years, but the need for solo librarians to network and collaborate hasn't gone away.

The group is open to any worker at any Illinois library. Participants do not necessarily need to work alone; it's fine to have part-time help or interns/volunteers. Common traits for solo librarians include:

  • wearing many hats
  • needing to justify what you do to administrators constantly
  • having to figure out answers to complex questions all by yourself

If these traits fit you, please consider joining this group. Going forward, ISLN will mostly be meeting virtually via Zoom. The next meeting is Friday, December 16, 12 – 1 pm.

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