Evergreen Park Public Library Receives Grant for Autism Training and Programming

mary black's picture

Evergreen Park Public Library was awarded an "Autism Welcome Here" grant from the Libraries and Autism Project to expand social opportunities for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Dr. Meg Carroll, director of graduate special education program at Saint Xavier University, facilitated staff training to equip them with the skills and confidence to successfully interact with people with autism. Participants addressed library space from an autistic user perspective and discussed ways to create a culture of awareness and acceptance that will positively impact the degree to which individuals with ASD and their families feel welcome .

Grant activities include organizing a social club for post high-school young adults with autism. " We expect that social activities combined with increased staff competence in engaging individuals with autism will expand the library's capacity to reduce social isolation experienced by some young people with ASD", said Young Adult Services Coordinator Mary Black. The Stacks Social Club will meet when it is safe to gather in-person.

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